Monday June 12
12:30-2pm ***** In-Person only
Center for Independence - Gymnasium in rear,
740 Gunnison Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Join WSAT and the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking (LCHT) for an opportunity to connect with local service providers and advocates supporting survivors. We'll learn about resources and have a round table about how we can work together.
We all know survivors need support to exit from trafficking situations. They cannot find liberation alone.
We believe that connection begins with us: the organizations and community members, aka allies. We must collaborate to meet the complex needs that survivors present to us.
We need a strong network of interdependence to create a long-lasting and life-giving impact for those that have experienced the violence of trafficking.
Please come to our event where we will initiate conversations around how we can come together to increase our strength and ability to serve the Western Slope.
We're here together because we want to also highlight the Regional Resource Directory compiled by Karalyn Dorn and LCHT, in collaboration with WSAT. This resource guide covers several counties that encompass the Western Slope. We're grateful for how this can bring us together in new ways to collaborate intentionally.
Please join us for light refreshments and rich conversations.
If you are unable to attend, but would like your organization represented, please send us a note at and we’ll get in touch.
Here is a flyer to share with colleagues! Thanks for helping spread the word!